Meet TANZ Pals-Your Niche Author and Expert Guide to Outdoor BBQ Grills

About Us-Outdoor Barbeque Grills
About John & TANZ Pals, LotusGrill Fondue Meal
TANZ Pals and the LotusGrill Fondue Set

Hello everyone, my name’s John, my handle is TANZ Pals and I’m the guy who started Outdoor Barbeque Grills-BBQ Lifestyle Options.

I blog about anything to do with Barbeques, BBQ Grills, cooking methods, and outdoor lifestyle choices.

I’ve been promoting the sales of Portable BBQs on the E-commerce sites I operate within New Zealand and am a member of many BBQ Blogs and Groups.

I love BBQing so much that I decided I would publish a Blog titled Outdoor BBQ Grills– BBQ Lifestyle Options thereafter I  ask similar-minded BBQ fanatics to develop the journey and joys of barbecuing by creating blog posts on BBQ & Grilling.

The post could be about recipes, BBQ equipment, Grilling methods, styles, large Cookers, or Portable BBQ Grills.

I group our contributors and partners into the handles of friends of TANZ or TANZ Pals.


I was born in New Zealand way back in 1960, so yes, I’m an old hand and an original 60’s kid.

My lasting memories are of family and friends gathering around the BBQ on those long hot summer days we enjoy in New Zealand, and you can only guess that as I grew up, I have forever since always had a charcoal BBQ or Grill as part of my essential household items.

I grew up with a positive view of well-prepared BBQs’, including family entertainment and culinary experiences.

I have seen over time the introduction and explosion of new Equipment, Gas vs. Charcoal, Smokers, and more, the ability to take a simple BBQ event to one that gives a wide variety of cooking methods and culinary taste delights.

Background Story

As I moved through my life with postings within the Logistics Industry in Europe, Asia, and The Middle East, you could always rely on cheerful group gatherings and experiences through a well-organized BBQ or outdoor lifestyle cooking event.

I met so many wonderful people from foreign countries. They in the majority also enjoyed their version of barbecuing, sometimes called a braai in South Africa, a Hangi In New Zealand, or a  parrillada in Spanish.

So as I entered into my 60s, and took a step out of the corporate rat race wheel, I decided to spend more time in areas I have enjoyed throughout my career. Lifestyle areas, like continuing to travel, getting into Motorhoming, and of course, enjoying more outdoor events where without question an excellent old BBQ sits.

I also decided to continue with work, but more on an online basis, some consulting, particularly in promoting to 50 plus years olds that opportunities for a career change and income-earning exist online. Since I left my corporate life, I have started two online business entities, TANZ Products, an e-commerce site based in New Zealand, and TANZ Consultancy, all about Online Business Opportunities.

My blog journey isn’t just about sales; it’s about sharing information and concepts about something I genuinely enjoy. Barbecuing is something I will continue to enjoy for as long as I breathe, and this is where my Blog Outdoor Barbeque Grills comes in.

It’s where I can express positive experiences about Barbecuing and share these with like-minded people.


Within my Outdoor Barbeque Grills and Lifestyle Options blogs, I hope not to be the heavy-handed salesperson you run across daily, but more of the person who openly shares my own and TANZ Pals’s opinions, passions, or glimpses into the addictive outdoor lifestyle of barbecuing and creating content and articles where we :

  • Teach others what we know
  • Build a community of like-minded BBQ enthusiasts
  • Introduce new products, recipes, methods, or services
  • A combination of any or all of the above


For these reasons mentioned above, blogging can be incredibly fulfilling—especially when fellow BBQ enthusiasts start consuming our content—but it’s also a commitment.

Whether we publish daily, weekly, or monthly, it’s important to be as consistent as possible, bringing regular, engaging, and fun content pieces that enable you to continue developing your BBQ and outdoor lifestyle experiences into unique and innovative spaces. I genuinely hope my site brings the value of enjoyment back to its subscribers and forever helps you deliver that summertime fun memory that stays and grows with you as the years unfold.

“As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”

These are the most frequent Amazon Links I promote:

These are the most frequent Brands and Stores I promote:

TANZ Pals needs you!

Don’t be shy, if you would love to try your hand at publishing a BBQ or Grill article on a blog, or discuss anything amusing, sceptical, informal, or even chatty related to barbecuing, then reach out to me. TANZ Pals would love to collaborate with you and grow and share all things BBQ with our crowd.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below, and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

John Tansey

Outdoor Barbeque Grills- BBQ Lifestyle Options


TANZ Pals and Outdoor Barbeque Grills Easy Links to Popular Queries & Blog Posts

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